Gaura and Kirtan at Govardhan Eco Village.
Dear Lovers of the Beloved,
Although this winter has been incredibly mild in the Northeast, I still long for spring. Spring has, for many years, been the time when all of the pilgrims return from India, bringing with them the energy of that sacred of all places. Memories of sating, meals shared on banana leaf plates, fabulous kirtans and the very dust of the sacred places. Those of us who could not go, look forward to the return of friends and family and to the energy of returning pilgrims, who reinvigorate us in our spiritual lives, because their vibration is so elevated and so pure.
Those of you who knew Shyam das can remember how spring was always the time when the Hudson River would thaw, and a time when we would stand shivering in saris and dhotis, in Woodstock, West Camp, Hudson, and other places with the ring leader of the Bhajan Belt. So many fabulous memories: samskaras, which are forever imprinted on our consciousness, and which become the bhakti samskaras we hope will be awakened in our future life times, no matter where we take birth.
Please join us as winter comes to a close. Think about how you can Be the Bhav. Host a kirtan in your town, tell stories of Krishna! Krishna-the Beautiful Legend of God by Edwin F. Bryant, is a lovely version of the Bhagavata Purana. Or read Inner Goddess out loud with friends over frothy chai, near the fire.
click here to purchase Krishna stories to share
And as you have all heard, the Ground Hog did NOT see his shadow. So things are looking up!
Join @JaiUttal for seven days of love, devotion and Bhakti! Join us starting February 9th-15th for the #SeedsofBhakti Challenge!
Nourishing the seed of devotion in your heart goes beyond arm balances and forward bends. We want to wake up our #yogacommunity on instagram to the beauty of the practice of yoga called BHAKTI. Each day, for seven days, Jai will share an image and an explanation of one of the many facets of Bhakti and how to cultivate that seed in your life. If you have never stepped on a yoga mat before in your life – this challenge is for you! If you roll your yoga mat our everyday – this challenge is for you! We invite you, during these seven days, to take a journey deep into the innermost chambers of your heart – to awaken and enliven the love that lives there.
Day 1: Devotion
Day 2: Prayer & Mantra
Day 3: Laughing
Day 4: Singing
Day 5: Crying
Day 6: Service
Day 7: Offering
In order to be qualified for one of our prizes participant must follow all of our hosts and sponsors, post everyday of the challenge and tag all of our hosts and sponsors in their post.
One Grand Prize (picked by Jai)
One of a kind piece of jewelry handmade by Mantras and Miracles and infused with the mantra RAM
Seat in Jai’s upcoming Awakening Bhakti Online Course
T-Shirt from Mantrology
One of Jai’s CD’s from Sounds True
Selection of inspired teas from Organic India
Five additional participants will receive (winners selected by Jai)
Seat in Jai’s upcoming Awakening Bhakti Online Course
T-Shirt from Mantrology
One of Jai’s CD’s from Sounds True
Selection of inspired teas from Organic India
Drink coupons from Kevita Drinks
HOSTS: @jaiuttal @whereismyguru @bighappyday & @mantrasandmiracles
SPONSORS: @soundstrue @mantralogy @organicindia @kevitadrinks

all is grace,